
In prayer for the revival of the bustle of “Sugita Plum Forest”, Mirai Taiko Dojo, and visitors will come together to parade around the precincts of Myohoji Temple to the rhythm of flutes and fan drums. The cloth, which was a sign for extinguishing fires in the Edo period, will decorate the finale!
Performance Date
16 Feb.(San.)16:30~16:45
The night cruisers
Formed in 2018 after performing at the Myorenji Jazz Concert, featuring genre-defying performances such as Pops Soul, R&B, Blues, Jazz, etc. CHIYO, vocalist, joined in 2022. Each member is active at live houses and events in Yokohama and other cities.
Hideaki Ninomiya (vo),CHIYO (vo),Daisuke Hosaka (gt), Takeshi Iwata (key), Hisashi Kamiyoshi (dr/per), Mitsuhiro Tsuchiya (ba)
Performance Date
15 Feb.(Sat.)16:20~17:00
16 Feb.(Sat.)15:50~16:20
Yokohama Geigi Association
Sugita Plum Forest and Isogo’s Flower Street, which was once bustling as the best place to see plums in the Kanto region.
The geisha will recreate the quaint bustle of shamisen and singing voices in the city with song and dance!
Performance Date
15 Feb.(Sat.)10:30~10:45、15:20~16:00
16 Feb.(San.)13:00~13:25
The night cruisers
Pops Soul、R&B、Blues、Jazz等ジャンルに囚われない演奏が特徴。夕暮れのJAZZやサザンの名曲等をお楽しみください!
Troupe “Yokozuna chu chu”
This year marks the 23rd anniversary of the formation of a local theater company. The 2024 Sugita Theater performance “What Should Be Lost” was well received by more than 600 customers. This year’s Plum Festival work is “Umeshu Tendoji Umeboshi no Uta,” the fourth year of the series that has continued since 2022.
Performance Date
16 Feb.(San.)10:00~10:20
Actor, Masahiro Murota
Born in Kitami City, Hokkaido, lives in Okamura, Isogo Ward. He is a jack-of-all-trades who is active in a wide variety of fields such as actors, comedians, singers, emcees, wrestlers, and professional wrestlers. In Netflix’s “Sanctuary Sanctuary,” he appeared as a rival wrestler, Ma Go, and sang the opening song, Sumo Jinpo. He has appeared in many works, including “The Fable Killer”, “Sanctuary Sanctuary”, and “Ryu ga Gotoku”.
Performance Date
16 Feb.(San.)12:30~12:50
Yukiko Sakuraba
She started her singing career in the first year of Heisei and made her national CD debut with “I like it, I hate it” in Heisei 2. He retired in Heisei 9 when he married composer and arranger Nobuyuki Sakuraba. After 11 years of child-rearing, he released “Beautiful Japan” co-written by his husband and wife in Heisei 22, and it became a work that will be sung for many years to come. Her husband died in Heisei 26 and received the Japan Record Awards Special Achievement Award. Since then, she has made it her purpose to bring her husband’s posthumous works to the world, and has continued to work energetically with the concept of “transcending time and genre”. Last year, she changed her stage name to Yukiko Sakuraba. We are aiming for a further leap forward.
Performance Date
16 Feb.(San.)12:00~12:20
Akira Esashiya
Born in Tohoku-machi, Aomori Prefecture. He grew up listening to his father’s Tsugaru shamisen folk songs, and has a rich repertoire of Tsugaru shamisen and songs.
Tsugaru shamisen and Tsugaru-geino Esashi-ya School of Tsugaru Performing Arts.
I teach Tsugaru shamisen, Tsugaru comedy, and Tsugaru dialect.
Winner of the 2007-2014 Tsugaru Shamisen World Tournament (with songs), many gold medals and semi-champions.
Every summer, “Midsummer Singing Party” is held by the Esashi Family Association.
Commemorating 30 years of performing arts, “Tsugaru Shamisen with One Heart” CD released
Performance Date
16 Feb.(San.)11:20~11:50
Keio University Keiginkai
It is Keio University’s only Shigin circle “Keiginkai”!
The plum tree of Yokohama and Sugita, which has attracted many people since ancient times, has shown its appearance in Japan literary works in various forms. Many of the “Chinese poems” that we are studying are based on plums. This time, with commentary based on Chinese literature research, we will deliver Shigin that will allow you to enjoy Sugita’s plums even more.
Performance Date
15 Feb.(Sat.)13:30~14:00
Nao Utsumi, Yoshimi Sakurai
A duo consisting of singer Nao Utsumi and pianist Yoshimi Sakurai from Sugita, Isogo Ward.
They graduated from Sugita Elementary School, Hama Junior High School, Hitorizawa High School, and Senzoku Gakuen College of Music, and coincidentally have the same educational background.
The music played by the two musicians, who have nurtured music by feeling the wind of their countrymen, studied abroad in their youth, and have been involved in numerous performance activities and teaching as professional musicians until now, warms the hearts of many people.
We will perform from familiar masterpieces to songs related to Isogo Ward
Performance Date
15 Feb.(Sat.)12:50~13:20
Chozen Lee、Yota Kobayashi
Based in Yokohama, she sings in a music genre called Reggae and is active nationwide. From the local Hitorizawa town, Isogo Ward! I love old-fashioned pickled plums! What we don’t like, food additives, chemical seasonings! I am happy to be a part of this festival. Local UP‼︎⤴︎⤴︎
Performance Date
16 Feb.(San.)15:00~15:40
Koda Junior High School Brass Band Club
“Sound return” You can do most things because you are serious about it, and everything is interesting because you are serious. I‘m serious about it, so someone will help me. We will help each other and deliver heartfelt music Hibiki! Kodasui ♡
(1) Showa Idol Collection
(2) Eurobeat Disney Medley
(3) Galactic Railway 999
(4) March “Raising the Banner of Courage”
(5) Treasure Island
Performance Date
Sugita Elementary School
The Sugita Elementary School MDS Brass Band is a group of more than 80 students from grades 4 to 6. We enjoy practicing twice a week in the morning and once a month on Saturdays. Today, 55 5th and 6th graders will perform. Because it is a difficult time, we would like to bring smiles to everyone’s faces with our performances.
Performance Date
15 Feb.(Sat.)12:00~12:30
Bairin Elementary School
Hello. This is the Bailin Elementary School Drum and Flute Club. We are a limited-time club from June to October, and we have been active with volunteers of 5th ~ 6th grades.
The first song is the school song. As the lyrics of the opening song say, “The plum grove is a flower,” there are nearly 50 plum trees around the school building of Umebayashi Elementary School. Many plum blossoms, such as red and white, bloom every year, and plum juice is made from the plums that are harvested and everyone drinks it. Plum juice, which is a mixture of various types of plums, is very tasty. The mascot character of our school is also named after the plum, and is called “Umezaemon” and “Umerinko”. If there is someone from Bailin Elementary School, please sing the school song with us.
The second song will be an ensemble called “Habatake: Our Plum Forest”. This song was written by the 5th graders at the time when Bailin Elementary School celebrated its 60th anniversary. It is a song filled with many fun things about Umebayashi Elementary School and good things about the community.
The third song is “Astro Boy”. Every year, at the sports day, all the children of the school play when they enter. I couldn’t play until the end of the sports day due to time constraints, but this time I will play until the end. It is an upbeat song with a light rhythm. I play wholeheartedly so that the listeners will feel happy
Performance Date
15 Feb.(Sat.)11:20~11:40
Sato Kagura・Kamishiro kagura Association
Kagura has been popular since the Edo period. The children and young people of the “Sato Kagura・Kamishiro Kagura Associstion”, who have been participating since the 1st Plum Festival, will always incorporate new things and convey the charm of Kagura beyond the boundaries of generations, so please look forward to this year’s performance!
Performance Date
16 Feb.(San)09:45~10:00(lion dance)、13:25~13:50
Mirai Taiko Dojo
Mirai Taiko Dojo started in 1994 in Nakano, Tokyo, with the goal of creating a place where anyone, regardless of age, gender, or nationality, can play taiko to the fullest, as long as they “love taiko.” Today, there are approximately 400 students in Yokohama and directly managed dojo in Kawasaki, Shibuya, and Matsudo, as well as students in Osaka, Indonesia, Europe, and the United States.
The instructors are mainly members of the professional performance group Bonten. Until now, Bonten has transcended the boundaries of folk performing arts to create its own unique musical expression. Their colorful stage performances have attracted attention not only from the audience but also from various musicians regardless of genre, and the number of collaborations with them is endless.
This time, we will have a total of 25 male and female drummers and about 30 taiko drummers performing enthusiastically. We hope you will enjoy the performance!
Performance Date
15 Feb.(Sat.)9:45~10:00、14:20~15:00
16 Feb.(San.)14:05~14:45
俳優 室田真宏
北海道北見市出身、磯子区岡村在住。俳優・芸人・歌手・司会・力士・プロレスなど多種に渡り活動するひょうきん者のなんでも屋。 Netflix「サンクチュアリ聖域」ではライバル部屋力士・馬剛役として出演、オープニング曲の相撲甚句も歌唱。出演作品「 ザ・ファブル殺さない殺し屋 」、「サンクチュアリ聖域」、「 龍が如く」 など多数。
江刺家 明
津軽三味線・津軽芸能 江刺家流 江刺家会 会主、沼津ミュージックラフェスタ津軽三味線講師。津軽三味線、津軽のお笑い、津軽弁教えます。
毎年夏の頃”江刺家会 真夏の唄会”開催
小田中学校 吹奏楽部
「音返し」 本気でするから大抵のことはできる。本気でするから何でも面白い。本気でしているから誰かが助けてくれる。みんなで助け合い、心のこもった音楽を届けます。響け!こだすい💛
Chozen Lee、Yota Kobayashi
杉田小学校 MDS金管バンドは、4年生から6年生までの80名を超える団体です。週2回の朝練習と、月1回の土曜日練習を楽しく行っています。今日は5・6年生55名が演奏します。たいへんな時期だからこそ、わたしたちの演奏で、みなさんに笑顔を届けていきたいです。
今年で結成23年目を迎える地元の劇団。2024年の杉田劇場公演「わすれられる はずのもの」は600名を超えるお客様からご好評頂きました。今年の梅まつりの作品は、「梅酒呑童子(うめしゅてんどうじ うめぼしのうた)」、2022年から続くシリーズ4年目の作品です。
演歌歌手 櫻庭悠希子
慶應義塾大学吟詠サークル 慶吟会
音楽家・内海奈緒 櫻井良美
磯子区杉田出身のシンガー 内海奈緒、ピア二スト 櫻井良美からなるデュオ。
こんにちは。梅林小学校 鼓笛クラブです。私たちは6月から10月までの期間限定クラブで、5~6年生の有志で活動してきました。1曲目は校歌を歌います。出だしの「梅の林は花ざかり」という歌詞のとおり、梅林小学校の校舎の周りには50本近い梅の木があります。毎年赤や白などのたくさんの梅の花が咲き、実った梅で梅ジュースを作ってみんなで飲んでいます。いろいろな梅の種類が混ざった梅ジュースはとてもおいしいです。本校のマスコットキャラクターも梅にちなんで、「うめざえもん」「うめりんこ」と言います。梅林小学校出身の方がいたら、ぜひ一緒に校歌を歌ってください。
2曲目は「はばたけ ぼくらの梅林」という曲を合奏します。この曲は梅林小学校が60周年を迎えたときに、当時の5年生が作った曲です。梅林小学校の楽しいところや地域のいいところがたくさん詰まった曲です。
出演者三名共に磯⼦区出⾝のアーティスト。サックスを演奏する渡邊純⼀は、⼩学校の先輩が『美空ひばり』さん、中学校の先輩が『ゆず』のお⼆⼈という⾳楽に所縁のある学校を卒業し、フランスで3年間の⾳楽留学を経て現在では⾃⾝の演奏活動の他、オーケストラの指揮者としても活動を広げている。曲の全体の流れをリードするキーボードの⻄⼭梓(ニシヤマ アズサ)と、曲に応じて多彩なテクニックを披露するパーカッションの村上海⼈(ムラカミ カイト)の3名で演奏をお届けします。
Performance date: Sunday, February 18, 2024
Time: 11:15-11:30
This year marks the 22nd year since the formation of the local theater company Yokozuna Chu Chu. Last November, our main performance “Ichi-e” at the Sugita Theater was well received by over 700 audience members. Now, this year’s Ume Festival production is “Ume Shuten Doji Episode 1 (Wan),” the third year of a series that will continue in 2022 and 2023.
The script was written by “Kazu”, a member of Yokozuna Tutu Theater Company. Please enjoy it.
今年で結成22年目を迎える地元の劇団 横綱チュチュ。昨年11月、杉田劇場で行われた本公演「一廻(いちえ)」も700名を超えるお客様にみていただき、ご好評いただきました。さて今年の梅まつりの作品は、「梅酒呑童子(うめしゅてんどうじ)こぼれ話」2022年2023年と続くシリーズ3年目の作品です。
杉田で昔から親しまれてきた神様、恵比寿大黒 福寿の舞や、獅子舞の演舞・体験をお楽しみください。
Performance Date:
Saturday, February 17, 2024, 14:00-14:45
Sunday, February 18, 2024, 12:45-13:30
Yokohama geisha will perform a dance with the scenery depicted in Hiroshige Utagawa’s “The Plum Grove of Bushu Sugita” in the background.
We would like to introduce several Yokohama-related pieces on one stage, including “Ume wa sakita ka,” “Hama Jiman(boast of Yokohama),” etc. We hope you will enjoy the performance. Please look forward to it.
Enjoy the Ebisu-Daikoku Fukuju no Mai, a deity that has been popular in Sugita for centuries, and Shishimai(Lion dance) performance and experience.
Performance date: Saturday, February 17, 2024
Time: 11:15 – 11:45
Sugita Plum Grove used to be one of the best plum viewing spots in the Kanto area. Yokohama geisha will recreate the lively atmosphere of those days with songs and dances associated with Yokohama!
梅林小学校です。梅林小学校の校舎の周りには50本近い梅の木があります。本校のマスコットキャラクターも梅にちなんで、「うめざえもん」「うめりんこ」と言います。毎年赤や白などのたくさんの梅の花が咲き、実った梅で梅ジュースを作ってみんなで飲んでいます。今年は不作であまり実が取れなかったのですが、地域の方にたくさんご協力いただき、梅ジュースや梅ジャム、はちみつ梅あめなど作ることができました。どうもありがとうございました。今日は鼓笛クラブが運動会で演奏した2曲を発表します。鼓笛クラブは、6月から10月までの期間限定クラブで、5~6年生の有志で活動してきました。1曲目は「鉄腕アトム」です。運動会では入退場曲として合奏しました。2曲目は「はばたけ ぼくらの梅林」という曲です。この曲は梅林小学校が60周年を迎えたときに、当時の5年生が作った曲です。梅林小学校の楽しいところや地域のいいところがたくさん詰まった曲です。「まちの思いのせ」とか「狛犬も見守っている」という歌詞がでてきます。今回は合奏なので、歌詞のよさをお伝えできませんが、心を込めて演奏します。
Performance date: Saturday, February 17, 2024
Time: 12:45-13:00
Bairin Elementary School. There are nearly 50 plum trees around the Bairin Elementary School building. The school’s mascot characters are also named after plums and are called “Umezaemon” and “Umerinko. Every year, many red and white plum blossoms bloom, and we make ume juice from the ume fruits and drink it together. This year we had a poor harvest and did not get many plums, but with the help of many local residents, we were able to make ume juice, ume jam, honey ume candy, and more. Thank you very much. Today, the drum and fife club will present two songs they performed at the field day. The first song is “Astro Boy. The second song is called “Habatake Bokura no Umebayashi (Our Plum Grove). This song was written by the fifth graders of Bairin Elementary School on the occasion of its 60th anniversary. It is a song filled with many fun things about Bairin Elementary School and the good points of the community. The lyrics include “the thoughts of the town” and “komainu (guardian dogs) are also watching over us. Since this is an ensemble performance, I can’t tell you how good the lyrics are, but we will play it with all our hearts.”
津軽三味線・津軽芸能 江刺家流 江刺家会 会主、沼津ミュージックラフェスタ津軽三味線講師。津軽三味線、津軽のお笑い、津軽弁教えます。
毎年夏の頃”江刺家会 真夏の唄会”開催
Performance Date: Sunday, February 18, 2024
Time: 11:45-12:15
Esashi Ieaki
Born in Tohoku-machi, Aomori Prefecture. He grew up listening to his father’s Tsugaru shamisen folk songs, and has a rich repertoire of Tsugaru shamisen and songs.
Tsugaru shamisen and Tsugaru-geino Esashi-ya School of Tsugaru Performing Arts.
I teach Tsugaru shamisen, Tsugaru comedy, and Tsugaru dialect.
Winner of the 2007-2014 Tsugaru Shamisen World Tournament (with songs), many gold medals and semi-champions.
Every summer, “Midsummer Singing Party” is held by the Esashi Family Association.
Commemorating 30 years of performing arts, “Tsugaru Shamisen with One Heart” CD released
Mirai Taiko Dojo
Performance Date:
Sunday, February 18, 2024, 15:00-15:30
Mirai Taiko Dojo started in 1994 in Nakano, Tokyo, with the goal of creating a place where anyone, regardless of age, gender, or nationality, can play taiko to the fullest, as long as they “love taiko.” Today, there are approximately 400 students in Yokohama and directly managed dojo in Kawasaki, Shibuya, and Matsudo, as well as students in Osaka, Indonesia, Europe, and the United States.
The instructors are mainly members of the professional performance group Bonten. Until now, Bonten has transcended the boundaries of folk performing arts to create its own unique musical expression. Their colorful stage performances have attracted attention not only from the audience but also from various musicians regardless of genre, and the number of collaborations with them is endless.
This time, we will have a total of 25 male and female drummers and about 30 taiko drummers performing enthusiastically. We hope you will enjoy the performance!
The night cruisers
Performance Date: Sunday, February 18, 2024, 14:15-14:45
Formed in 2018 after performing at the Myorenji Jazz Concert, featuring genre-defying performances such as Pops Soul R&B Blues Jazz, etc. CHIYO, vocalist, joined in 2022. Each member is active at live houses and events in Yokohama and other cities.
Hideaki Ninomiya (vo), CHIYO (vo), Daisuke Hosaka (gt), Takeshi Iwata (key), Hisashi Kamiyoshi (dr/per), Mitsuhiro Tsuchiya (ba)
Performance Date: Sunday, February 18, 2024
Time: 10:30 – 11:00
Performance Date: Sunday, February 17, 2024
Time: 15:00-15:30
All three performers are from Isogo Ward. Junichi Watanabe, who plays the saxophone and performs Japanese folk songs, graduated from a school with a strong connection to music, with Hibari Misora as his senior in elementary school and Yuzu as his junior in high school. Azusa Nishiyama on keyboards leads the entire flow of the piece, and Kaito Murakami on percussion demonstrates a variety of techniques depending on the piece.
Performance Date: Sunday, February 18, 2024
Time: 13:30-14:00
There was once a flower district in Yokohama, and in the 1950s there were 52 Okiya, or geisha houses, where geisha rode in rickshaws to the tatami rooms, and the sounds of shamisen music, singing, and laughter filled the streets. However, with time, geisha declined and finally disappeared from Yokohama. We, the Yokohama Geiko Association, are working to preserve the lively atmosphere and traditional culture of those days for future generations.
Now, this time,
The lyrics of the song “Ume wa sakashita ka, sakura wa mada kai na” (Have you heard the lyrics of the song “Ume wa sakashita ka”? Let’s learn the song together, from children to the elderly, and let’s make the Sugita Ume Festival more exciting for the future!
Performance date: Saturday, February 17, 2024
Time: 13:15-13:45
The Sugita Elementary School MDS Brass Band has 54 students in grades 4 through 6. We enjoy practicing twice a week in the morning and once a month on Saturdays. We hope to bring smiles to everyone’s faces with our performance during this difficult time of the year.
Performance date: Saturday, February 17, 2024
Time: 12:00-12:30
The group is organized by twin brothers from Saku city in Nagano prefecture, Takumi IDE, vocalist and Tadashi IDE, vocalist as well as guitarist.They create great sound by blending Takumi’s genuine high pitch voice with his brother Tadashi’s great chorus work.
The group continues to sublimate various genres in its own unique way. Key words represent this group are,Twin brothers! Natural permanent wave Hair, Left-handed! Takumi’s natural high pitch voice, together with Tadashi’s exquisite chorus work, bring the strong messages to the audiences sometimes gently, sometimes fiercely.
2004: The group made their debut with “Person” through independent network.Then in February 2009, they made their major label debut as “A☆un” from Crown Records of Japan , produced by Goro Noguchi.
In May 2009, he launched “HaLLLELUJaH-Hallelujah,” an event jointly organized by ALLaNHiLLZ and Shibuya eggman, and performed with various artists.
They have been organizing borderless and peaceful live activities beyond the boundaries between major and independent bands, and have been organizing hot events with an average attendance of 200 people (52 events as of November, 2023). In November 2022, ALLaNHiLLZ held a successful one-man live “Unbreakable Tracks” at Shinjuku ReNY celebrating their 20th anniversary.
In March 2023, “HaLLELUJaH – Hallelujah”, an event that started in 2009, will be held as “Local Hallelujah” apart from Shibuya eggman, gaining even more momentum and breadth.
In addition to live performances and production activities as ALLaNHiLLZ, this twins unit is also active flexibly in various collaborations, songwriting, radio personalities, and more!
場所:妙法寺 境内特設ステージ
公演日 2023年2月18日(土)15:00~15:30
場所 妙法寺 妙法寺 境内特設ステージ
『幻の杉田梅林復興・杉田梅まつり』会場となっております、牛頭山 妙法寺 (ゴズサン ミョウホウジ)住職 松本 慈恵(マツモト ジケイ)様のお知り合いである,青森県津軽ご出身の津軽三味線奏者「江刺家明」さんです。
杉田小学校 MDS金管バンドは、4年生から6年生までの54名です。週2回の朝練習と、月1回の土曜日練習を楽しく行っています。いろいろなことがたいへんな時期だからこそ、わたしたちの演奏で、みなさんに笑顔を届けていきたいです。
場所:妙法寺 境内特設ステージ
今回は「梅梅酒呑童子(うめうめ しゅてんどうじ)」。シリーズ続編としてパワーアップして帰ってまいりました。さてさて今年の妙法寺「杉田梅まつり」にどんなことが起きるのでしょうか。
脚本は劇団 横綱チュチュの本公演20周年も手がける「菱倉あゆみ」の書き下ろし作品です。どうぞお楽しみください。
時間 10:00~(30分程度)
職人社会は男所帯なので、SDGs 職人ジェンダー平等としての女性の活動をしております。女将として長年宮大工たちを見続けて気が付いた事それは・・・素朴な宮大工職人の姿勢と精神、匠の技の継承には「日本人の道の真髄」が含まれていることに気付きました。この宮大工の技を日本の文化とともに伝えるため近年は地域の皆さまや子供たちそして世界各国へ向けて紹介する活動を女将として行っております。1000年以上継承され続ける宮大工の技を、まだ観たことがない地域の皆さまはたくさんおられると思います。文化とは「大勢の人々が触れられてこその文化」だと花升宮大工たちは常に感じております。この度披露する「宮大工組立茶室」はまさに宮大工の「技」と日本の文化の発祥である和室の「場」の真骨頂です。
杉田小学校 MDS金管バンドは、4年生から6年生までの54名です。週2回の朝練習と、月1回の土曜日練習を楽しく行っています。いろいろなことがたいへんな時期だからこそ、わたしたちの演奏で、みなさんに笑顔を届けていきたいです。
時間: 12:00~12:15
梅林小学校 鼓笛クラブです。10月に行われた運動会で演奏するために6月から10月までの期間限定で5~6年生の有志で活動してきました。1曲目は校歌を歌います。出だしの「梅の林は花ざかり」という歌詞のとおり、梅林小学校の校舎の周りには50本近い梅の木があります。毎年赤や白などのたくさんの梅の花が咲き、実った梅で梅ジュースを作ってみんなで飲んでいます。いろいろな梅の種類が混ざった梅ジュースはとてもおいしいです。本校のマスコットキャラクターも梅にちなんで、「うめざえもん」「うめりんこ」と言います。梅林小学校出身の方がいたら、ぜひ一緒に校歌を歌ってください。2曲目は「はばたけ ぼくらの梅林」という曲を合奏します。この曲は梅林小学校が60周年を迎えたときに、当時の5年生が作った曲です。梅林小学校の楽しいところや地域のいいところがたくさん詰まった曲です。「まちの思いのせ」とか「狛犬も見守っている」という歌詞がでてきます。今回は合奏なので、歌詞のよさをお伝えできませんが、心を込めて演奏します。
Pops Soul R&B Blues Jazz等ジャンルに囚われない演奏が特徴。2022年ボーカルのCHIYO加入。各メンバー横浜を中心にライブハウスやイベント等で活躍。
メジャー、インディーズの垣根を越えボーダレスでピースフルなライブ活動を展開し、平均動員は200人のアツいイベントをオーガナイズしている。(2023年11月現 在52回開催) 2022年11月にALLaNHiLLZ活動20周年を記念したワンマンライブ 『UnBreakable TRACKS』を新宿ReNYにて敢行し、成功を収める。
2023年3月に2009年よりスタートした主催イベント『HaLLELUJaH-ハレルヤ–』 を渋谷eggmanから飛び出し「ご当地ハレルヤ」として開催しさらに勢いと幅を増していく。
♪ 梅は咲いたか 桜はまだかいな なんてそこだけなんか聞いたことがあるなんていう歌の歌詞ですが、梅祭りにちなんで、この梅は咲いたかの踊りを横浜芸者とやってみようという企画です。お子様からお年寄りの方までみんなで覚えて、杉田梅まつりを未来にむけて盛り上げていきましょう!
場所:妙法寺 境内特設ステージ
場所:妙法寺 妙法寺 境内特設ステージ
杉田で昔から親しまれてきた神様、恵比寿大黒 福寿の舞や、獅子舞の演舞・体験をお楽しみください。
東京芸術大学音楽学部邦楽科能楽囃子笛専攻に入学。『里神楽 加藤社中』を設立。「能管」「篠笛」の可能性を追求するため、和のリズムを取り入れた作曲で様々な楽器との共演にも力を入れる。日本に伝わる古典の響きのすばらしさや懐かしさ、クラシックの響きや、奥ゆかしさを取り入れて、より日本の音楽が世界に通じるように研究を重ねる。
場所:妙法寺 境内特設ステージ
2023年2月18日(土)13:20~14:00 横浜芸者の唄と踊り
2023年2月18日(土)16:00~16:30 横浜芸者 大黒舞・獅子舞
2023年2月19日(日)13:30~14:00 子供たち集まれ!梅は咲いたか踊ってみよう!
2023年2月19日(日)15:10~15:30 磯子小唄 出演者コラボレーション
2023年2月19日(日)15:30~16:10 横浜芸者の唄と踊り
場所:妙法寺 妙法寺 境内特設ステージ
横浜にちなんだ演目、「梅は咲いたか」 「せつほんかいな」 「奴さん」 「七福神」「野毛山節」「磯子小唄」「濵自慢」「かっぽれ」等、数曲をワンステージでご紹介したいと思います。どうぞお楽しみにください。
「梅は咲いたか」踊り体験 お子様からどなたでもご参加ください。
♪ 梅は咲いたか 桜はまだかいな なんてそこだけなんか聞いたことがあるなんていう歌の歌詞ですが、梅祭りにちなんで今回はこの梅は咲いたかの踊りを横浜芸者とやってみようというビックな企画を開催します。お子様からお年寄りの方までみんなで覚えて、杉田の梅祭りを未来に向けて盛り上げていけるイベントになることを期待しています。